Slowdive 「Slowdive」 CD
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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社
発売日:2017年05月12日 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:アメリカ盤 / レーベル:Dead Oceans/Hostess / SKU:656605143224 / 規格品番:DOC132 |
When they returned to the stage after two decades, the members of Slowdive had no intention of being a mere shoegaze nostalgia act. They almost instantly made plans to record new music, and after a few years of writing and recording, 2017s Slowdive is the result. Taking elements from the music each member has made in the time since the bands demise and wrapping them in modern production techniques while still coating everything in a familiar velvety haze, the album is a worthy addition to their catalog. Slowdive may play it a bit conservative at times, sounding more like a follow-up to the poppy Souvlaki than the experimental Pygmalion, but the bandmembers dont merely rest on their shoegaze bona fides. While the guitars are suitably drowned in FX and let loose to billow like clouds, there are looped samples running through the mix, some of the folky melodies Neil Halstead has been playing on his own come through, Rachel Goswells vocals show much more power (there are a couple times she really belts it out), and there is the occasional bit of sonic trickery courtesy of the records mix engineer Chris Coady. It all comes together very well, thanks to both the subtle hooks of the songwriting and the commitment shown by everyone to not just make an album of retreads. There is the occasional moment when the mix seems a little off, most notably the tinny drums on No Longer Making Time, but mostly the album delivers exactly what a Slowdive fan would want. Lots of songs to dream to (the ethereal, Cocteau Twins-sounding Dont Know Why, the calming Sugar for the Pill), get lost in (the noisy Go Get It), and swoon along with (the positively dreamy pop song Everyone Knows). The group tosses in some surprises, too, with a couple songs having a bit more energy than vintage Slowdive may have felt comfortable displaying. Star Roving sounds like a Ride song dipped in honey; the closing Falling Ashes is a piano-led ballad that lasts a long time without getting boring and feels like the albums one nod to the sparser, less guitar-driven direction they were heading in on Pygmalion. Slowdive will comfort fans of the band, both those who loved them at the time and those who have discovered them in the intervening years, by being very much a Slowdive album. One that feels modern enough, but also very classic at the same time. ~ Tim Sendra |
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シューゲイザー・ミュージックのパイオニアとして知られる伝説的バンド、スロウダイヴ、22年ぶりのアルバム!1989年に結成、ニール・ハルステッドとレイチェル・ゴスウェルを中心に結成された5人組バンド。91年にアルバム『ジャスト・フォー・ア・デイ』でデビュー。93年にリリースした2nd『スーヴラク』にはブライアン・イーノも参加し、話題となった。95年にこれまでとは異なるミニマルな音作りで、アンビエントやエレクトロニカからの影響が濃い3rdアルバム『ピグマリオン』をリリースした後、バンドは解散。それぞれ別の音楽活動を経て、2014年に再結成を果たすとフジロック・フェスティバルに出演。レッドマーキーに入場規制がかかるなど伝説的な公演となった。2016年にはバンドメンバーのレイチェル・ゴズウェルが新作の制作に取り掛かっていることを仄めかすなどファンのなかで新作へと期待は高まっていく中、2017年1月に突如新曲「Star Roving」を公開し、世界中の音楽ファンを驚かせた。そして遂にリリースされる新作のレコーディングスタジオとして選んだのは、バンドが慣れ親しんだオックスフォードシャー州にあるコートヤードスタジオ。プロデュースはニール・ハルステッド自身が行い、ミックスはクリス・コーディー(ビーチ・ハウス/トバイアス・ジェッソ・Jr./TVオン・ザ・レディオ)が手がけました。アートワークは1957年に公開されカルト的な人気を誇るアニメ映画『Heaven and Earth Magic』からの1カットが使われている。伝説的なシューゲイザーバンドの22年ぶりの新作は必聴! |
発売・販売元 提供資料(2017/04/03) |
Spin - "[H]ere, the songs are conspicuously stripped down -- lyrics are legible, guitars sound like. guitars. It's an approach they haven't really taken since their very first recordings..." Uncut - "[T]he effects-laden washes of sound came together into what might well have been the best work of their entire career." Magnet - "The album has moments of propulsive triumph, shimmering transcendence and calm beauty....The effects -- and the effects pedals -- are still dreamy." Paste (magazine) - "The self-titled album manages to absorb elements from Slowdive's glory days without settling into mere retread. The lengthier, more expansive tracks are especially inspired." Clash (Magazine) - "'Slomo' is a wonderful opening, the sound of preconceptions being picked apart....`Don't Know Why' is exquisite, a compact, concise piece of sighing melody and chiming guitar." |
Rovi |
・構成数 | 1 ・合計収録時間 | 00:45:56 1.CD