Jenny Lewis
On The Line CD
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- 商品情報
- レビュー
【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社
発売日:2019年03月22日 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:ヨーロッパ盤 / レーベル:Warner Bros. / SKU:093624901457 / 規格品番:9362490145 |
Rolling Stone - "As glorious as the sound of this thing is, glinting with letter-perfect `70s-'80s rock sonics and touches of 21st-century psychedelic irony, the songs are the show, written by a woman of a particular age from a perspective well past jaded -- she's been there done that -- swung back around to a wide-eyed, faintly zen reportage." Entertainment Weekly - "It's the richness of her telling that makes LINE bloom fuller with every listen: crystalline anthems built for barstools, open roads, and dark nights of the soul." Billboard - "Bolstered by cuts like 'Wasted Youth,' the veteran indie rocker's storytelling excellence is on full display in her first full-length since 2014's THE VOYAGER." NME (Magazine) - 5 stars out of 5 -- "There's always been a cinematic quality to Jenny Lewis' storytelling, and in painting pain, heartbreak, infatuation and hedonistic escape in bright brushstrokes, her fourth solo album ON THE LINE shimmers like a gaudy neon sign marking the entrance to a dive bar." Paste (magazine) - "ON THE LINE is absolutely dazzling. It sounds decidedly grown up, mature both lyrically and musically, and it's a spectacular studio effort." Clash (Magazine) - "[I]t's strong addition to a stellar body of work and another welcome showing from one of music's most consistent and underrated performers." |
Rovi |
レインボー・スーツを脱ぎ捨てた彼女は、妖艶なドレスで何を歌う? もはやライロ・カイリーのフロントウーマンという肩書は不要。ジェニー・ルイス約3年振りとなる超待望の新作アルバムは、ベックにライアン・アダムス、リンゴ・スター、ベンモント・テンチ、ドン・ウォズにジム・ケルトナーなど、錚々たる面々をバックに従えて完成させた、ドリーミーでアンニュイ、そしてほろ苦くノスタルジックな『ON THE LINE』! |
発売・販売元 提供資料(2019/02/15) |
・構成数 | 1 ・合計収録時間 | 00:47:08 1.CD