Karl Jenkins
Karl Jenkins 「Miserere」 CD
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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社
発売日:2019年10月11日 / ジャンル:JAZZ / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:International Version / レーベル:Decca / SKU:028948185801 / 規格品番:4818580 |
傷ついた全ての人に贈る慈悲のハーモニー! 《カール・ジェンキンス~ミゼレーレ》 今年2/17に生誕75年を迎えたメロディ・メーカー、カール・ジェンキンスの記念年を祝う最新盤は慈悲と贖罪の想いが込められたアルバム。 Deccaからリリースされたこの新作は過去70年間の中東紛争で苦しめられ犠牲になったすべての人々に捧げられています。カール・ジェンキンスは、残虐な戦争の影響で絶望的な状況におかれた何百万人もの人々、様々な異なる宗教を信じる人々へ向けて、音楽による癒しを贈り、音楽が人と人を結びつけるという信念を形にしています。 |
発売・販売元 提供資料(2019/09/03) |
Since the release of his Adiemus Project albums and his mass The Armed Man in the 1990s, Karl Jenkins has been one of Britains most popular composers. He is disliked by major newspaper critics, but that is of little consequence to the millions who buy his albums and, perhaps more important, to the many choirs that sing his music for the joy of it. Many of Jenkins releases fall ingeniously in between the pop and classical forms of album presentation: Miserere might be regarded either as a collection of individual pieces or as a single work. It addresses, in a general way, the theme of ongoing violence in the Middle East, and several pieces use instruments and musical techniques from that region. Sample Praise, Joy & Gladness, which uses some of these sounds in an entirely novel fusion with American praise and worship music. Whatever you may think of Jenkins, he can hardly be charged with being derivative. Mostly sung by the choir Polyphony under Stephen Layton, with a variety of vocal and instrumental soloists including cellist Abel Selaocoe, these pieces are in Latin, English, and in a few places biblical Aramaic and Hebrew; are in Western and Middle Eastern styles; are quite personal or fall into the centuries-long tradition of settings of the Miserere text (here, Jenkins approaches the concept of The Armed Man). There are some who will never accept the heart-on-the-sleeve aspect of some of Jenkins music, but thats not all there is to him, and this release shows him to be still going strong in his mid-70s. Recommended. |
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・構成数 | 1 ・合計収録時間 | 00:50:49 1.CD