Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Colorado CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2019年11月01日 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:ヨーロッパ盤 / レーベル:Warner Records / SKU:093624898900 / 規格品番:9362489890

At a time when chaos and unpredictability hold sway in so much of the world, its hard to fault anyone for wishing for something stable and familiar, even from someone as chronically unpredictable as Neil Young. In 2019, Young announced he was recording again with Crazy Horse, and after a handful of especially eccentric and uneven albums -- 2016s Peace Trail, 2017s The Visitor, 2018s Paradox -- the notion of Neil and Crazy Horse cranking up their amps and making some righteous noise sounded like the sort of comfort food many fans had been hungry for. However, in time-honored Neil Young tradition, 2019s Colorado is a bit different than what fans might have been expecting. Frank Pancho Sampedro, Youngs longtime guitar foil in Crazy Horse, opted not to participate in their latest reunion, and Young recruited his occasional collaborator (and longtime Bruce Springsteen sideman) Nils Lofgren to take his place. Where Sampedro had a knack for goading Young into conjuring billows of howling brilliance from his axe, on Colorado Lofgren instead gives him a strong, stable framework that allows Neil room to explore yet doesnt push him forward. As a result, this isnt a cathartic blowout in the manner of Rust Never Sleeps or Ragged Glory but instead harkens back to the focused yet ambling mood of Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere and Harvest, only with songs that are good but by no means exceptional. As with much of his work in the 2010s, Youngs lyrics here reflect an autumnal concern with politics, the environment, and mortality, and theyre thoughtful and of their moment, but they sound more like blog posts rather than clearly thought-out messages. While this is hardly unexpected from rocks leading First Thought Best Thought man, theyre still not up to the standard of the mans best music; after a while, repeatedly informing us hes an old white guy on She Showed Me Love sounds less like self-awareness and more like hes not sure if we know, which we certainly do. That said, if Colorado isnt the great soul-satisfying rocker we were dreaming of, the dusty howl of Youngs electric guitar work is here in plentiful supply, not at full strength but loud enough to matter (especially on Shut It Down and Help Me Lose My Mind); Young is properly engaged with his material; and his interplay with Lofgren, bassist Ralph Molina, and drummer Billy Talbot is a reminder of why Crazy Horse has been on hand for so much of his greatest work. At a time when a great album from Neil Young would have been more than welcome, Colorado is instead a good one, but its recognizably the work of a great artist, and thats more than can be said of the last few offerings Young has given us. ~ Mark Deming
「『EVERYBODY KNOWS THIS IS NOWHERE(邦題: ニール・ヤング・ウィズ・クレイジー・ホース)』や、『RUST NEVER SLEEPS(邦題: ラスト・ネヴァー・スリープス)』、『SLEEPS WITH ANGELS(邦題: スリープス・ウィズ・エンジェルズ)』、そして『PSYCHEDELIC PILL(邦題: サイケデリック・ピル)』といったアルバムと肩を並べるくらいに素晴らしいクレイジー・ホースのアルバムが出来たと信じている」 ─ ニール・ヤング

ロック・シーンにおける孤高のレジェンド、ニール・ヤング。過去のオリジナル・アルバムをリイシューするシリーズ、そして貴重な未発表ライヴ音源を発表していくライヴ・アーカイヴ・シリーズ、さらにはソロ名義やプロミス・オブ・ザ・リアル名義での新作のリリースなど、今なお精力的な活動を続ける彼が、早くも新たな宝物をここに届けてくれた。それが、盟友クレイジー・ホースとともに作り上げた、クレイジー・ホース名義としては2012年の『PSYCHEDELIC PILL』以来実に7年風呂地なるこの最新作、『COLORADO』だ。



この作品には、ここ数ヵ月でニールがライヴで披露していた「Rainbow of Colors」や「Green is Blue」、「Milky Way」とぽいった楽曲に加え、13分を超える大作「She Showed Me Love」といった、3分から13分以上まで振り幅がある全10曲を収録。CDと2枚組アナログ盤という2形態でリリースされるこの『COLORADO』。アナログ盤にはA面からC面までに音源を収録、D面はエッチングが施された盤面となっており、アナログ盤のみボーナス・トラックとしてニール・ヤングが観客の前で初めて披露した新曲「Rainbow of Colors」のライヴ・レコーディング音源と、アルバム未収録のニール・ヤングとクレイジー・ホースによるスタジオ音源「Truth Kills」の2曲を収録したボーナス7"シングル盤が同梱されている。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2019/09/06)
・構成数 | 1

・合計収録時間 | 00:50:24


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