The Soft Pink Truth

The Soft Pink Truth 「Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase?」 CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2020年07月17日 / ジャンル:SOUL/CLUB/RAP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Thrill Jockey / SKU:790377051926 / 規格品番:THRILL519CD

As fascism was on the rise in the late 2010s and early 2020s, the Soft Pink Truths Drew Daniel responded by approaching the projects fundamental concepts in a new way. On his two previous albums, Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Soft Pink Truth? and Why Do the Heathen Rage?, he subverted the macho sounds of punk and black metal into club anthems. With Shall We Go on Sinning So That Grace May Increase?, Daniel applies his skill at social critique and encyclopedic musical knowledge to express the good in humanity by trading cerebral mischief for beauty and community, and reacting with love instead of more hate (Am I Free to Go?, which Daniel self-released less than a month after this album, reimagined crust-punk albums in the Soft Pink Truths more expected style). As he did on Why Do the Heathen Rage?, he brings in an extensive range of collaborators: Colin Self, Angel Deradoorian, and Jana Hunter, percussionist Sarah Hennies, saxophonists Andrew Bernstein and John Berndt, and Daniels partner in life and Matmos, M.C. Schmidt all contributed to the album, while an echo guitar pedal he borrowed from GASPs Mitchell Brown shaped its bordering-on-divine sound. Shall We Go on Sinning taps into the purity of many people joining as one, finding communion in faith or on a dancefloor. The albums choral vocals are powerful and moving, whether theyre left naked, as on the opening invocation Shall, a round that evokes the timeless impact of sacred music, or awash in shifting electronic textures on Go, where they take on an eeriness that inspires awe. Daniel remains true to the projects club-inspired roots on tracks as diverse as the beautifully simmering pulse of We and the surreally shifting Grace, where it sounds like opera divas turn into house divas with the addition of dive-bombing bass. As usual, Daniels sound design and production are inspired, and Shall We Go on Sinnings emphasis on live source material makes it even more apparent just how skilled he is at harnessing all of its sounds. Sinning, a fittingly unholy mix of classical, jazz, and dance music, conjures sex, war, and chaos in its smeared piano melody, sour saxophone and clattering percussion, yet remains as hypnotic as the gliding serenity of So and That. While its just as thought-provoking as the Soft Pink Truths other albums, theres something magical in how the emotional dimensions and deep beauty of Shall We Go on Sinning So That Grace May Increase? reaffirm that positivity and creativity are the most powerful weapons against hate and darkness. ~ Heather Phares
・構成数 | 1


The Soft Pink Truth 「Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase?」 CDのレビュー



