
マジック・オブ・マントヴァーニ CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2020年09月25日 / ジャンル:CLASSICAL / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Decca / SKU:028948508945 / 規格品番:485894




発売・販売元 提供資料(2020/07/22)
Promotional materials for this Decca release proclaim the orchestra leader Mantovani Britains greatest LP success before The Beatles, and indeed, his popularity in his time is rivaled only by his general obscurity in the 21st century. Hes ripe for a revival, and tenor Joseph Calleja does his bit with this release. For those unfamiliar with Mantovani, his recordings were almost all instrumental, consisting of lush orchestral arrangements, mostly by Ronald Binge, of popular songs and classical melodies. His music was designated light classical in Britain and easy listening in the U.S., but to those who loved it (and still do), it is not necessarily light or easy. The intricacy of the arrangements and the brilliance with which Mantovani realized them far exceeded those of his contemporaries. Herein lies the problem with The Magic of Mantovani: Calleja adds the lyrics of the original songs back into the original remastered instrumental tracks, and in so doing, he loses a lot of what makes Mantovani so interesting. Three of the original tracks, remastered, are included at the end of the albums digital releases. With these, one can hear what is missing: listen to the vocal and instrumental versions of Charmaine, one of Mantovanis biggest hits, and one may miss the exquisite division of the melody among different instruments in Callejas version. This said, Callejas versions succeed on their own terms. He has a real flair for semi-popular material, which is something the operatic scene has needed for a while, and he shifts adeptly among the various kinds of songs Mantovani adapted. Consider a song like Que Sera, Sera (which, by the way, does not mean what will be will be in any language): Calleja gets the American retroflex r that eludes most European singers. He doesnt do a straight American accent in these but rather cultivates a natural idiom with a slightly exotic accent. This is delightful, and it is likely that the album will satisfy Callejas growing body of fans even as true Mantovani lovers may be less satisfied.
Promotional materials for this Decca release proclaim the orchestra leader Mantovani Britains greatest LP success before The Beatles, and indeed, his popularity in his time is rivaled only by his general obscurity in the 21st century. Hes ripe for a revival, and tenor Joseph Calleja does his bit with this release. For those unfamiliar with Mantovani, his recordings were almost all instrumental, consisting of lush orchestral arrangements, mostly by Ronald Binge, of popular songs and classical melodies. His music was designated light classical in Britain and easy listening in the U.S., but to those who loved it (and still do), it is not necessarily light or easy. The intricacy of the arrangements and the brilliance with which Mantovani realized them far exceeded those of his contemporaries. Herein lies the problem with The Magic of Mantovani: Calleja adds the lyrics of the original songs back into the original remastered instrumental tracks, and in so doing, he loses a lot of what makes Mantovani so interesting. Three of the original tracks, remastered, are included at the end of the albums digital releases. With these, one can hear what is missing: listen to the vocal and instrumental versions of Charmaine, one of Mantovanis biggest hits, and one may miss the exquisite division of the melody among different instruments in Callejas version. This said, Callejas versions succeed on their own terms. He has a real flair for semi-popular material, which is something the operatic scene has needed for a while, and he shifts adeptly among the various kinds of songs Mantovani adapted. Consider a song like Que Sera, Sera (which, by the way, does not mean what will be will be in any language): Calleja gets the American retroflex r that eludes most European singers. He doesnt do a straight American accent in these but rather cultivates a natural idiom with a slightly exotic accent. This is delightful, and it is likely that the album will satisfy Callejas growing body of fans even as true Mantovani lovers may be less satisfied. ~ James Manheim
・構成数 | 1

・合計収録時間 | 00:48:46

・収録曲 | 【曲目】
1) シャルメーヌ(ラペー)、
2) エーデルワイス(ハマースタイン2世/ロジャース)、
3) スパニッシュ・アイズ(ケンプフェルト/スナイダー)、
4) ベサメ・ムーチョ(ベラスケス)、
5) ケセラセラ(リビングストン)、
6) マリア(『ウエスト・サイド・ストーリー』より)(バーンスタイン)、
7) サムウェア(『ウエスト・サイド・ストーリー』より)(バーンスタイン)、
8) アイ・フィール・プリティ(『ウエスト・サイド・ストーリー』より)(バーンスタイン)、
9) トゥナイト(『ウエスト・サイド・ストーリー』より(バーンスタイン)、
10) カラ・ミア(トラパーニ)、
11) 『ゴッドファーザー』より愛のテーマ(イタリア語ヴァージョン)(ニーノ・ロータ)、
12) アリヴェデルチ・ローマ(ラヌッチ)、
13) ストレンジャー・イン・パラダイス(フォレスト/ライト)、
14) 夜のストレンジャー(ケンプフェルト)、
15) ムーン・リヴァー(マンシーニ)、
16) ユール・ネヴァー・ウォーク・アローン(ハマースタイン2世/ロジャーズ)、
17) アメイジング・グレイス(伝承曲/カレル編)



マジック・オブ・マントヴァーニ CDのレビュー



