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Logic 「No Pressure」 CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2020年10月30日 / ジャンル:SOUL/CLUB/RAP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:International Version / レーベル:Def Jam / SKU:602435010724 / 規格品番:3501072

発売・販売元 提供資料(2020/09/16)
It was a combination of raw talent and willingness to take his artistry to personal places that brought Baltimore rapper Logic to the mainstream. Hyper-fast lyrical delivery, plush production, and vulnerable inspection of mental health issues and personal struggles were all key elements of his success. Shortly before the release of sixth studio album No Pressure, Logic announced the record would be his last and hed be retiring from music afterward to focus on raising his family. Theres no shortage of retirement announcements that dont stick, but No Pressure is definitely underscored by a sense of conclusion, Logic looking back on the last ten years with an awareness that hes moving closer toward the exit with every song. The album reunites the rapper with producer No I.D. for the first time since his 2014 studio debut, Under Pressure. The production plays as important a role as the rapping throughout, with Logic making blatant references to some of his most important influences by reworking their beats or borrowing their styles, paying tribute as he delivers the closing statements of his career. From the robotic voice that walks the listener through the various songs (borrowed directly from A Tribe Called Quests Midnight Marauders) to the beat from OutKasts Elevators (Me & You) flipped on GP4, the tips of the hat on No Pressure are overt. Kanye Wests early catalog is a major reference point throughout the album as well, with songs like Hit My Line, Celebration, and Heard Em Say all recalling the chopped samples, cocky flows, and huge drums of the first few Kanye records. In addition to the detailed homages to his inspirations, Logic uses No Pressure to outline his departure from rap. Soul Food II addresses frustrations with a fickle music industry and DadBod pulls no punches expressing how much more he gets out of everyday family life than the grind of keeping a high-profile music career afloat. As Logics fame grew, he made more songs about the criticism he got from detractors and former fans on social media. Dark Place is No Pressures entry for this often-visited theme, with a heavenly ambient beat made in collaboration with Toro y Moi backdropping lyrics about insecurity and a lack of self-worth. No Pressure is one part celebration, one part victory lap, and one part bittersweet farewell, with Logic dismissing his haters, showing appreciation for his diehard supporters, and spilling every last personal detail of his story one more time before the curtain closes. The sense of finality removes some of the thin-skinned or overly self-aware lyricism that got in the way of earlier records. No Pressure finds Logic all grown up and ready to give himself over to a new chapter. Its one of his best and most enjoyable albums, wrapping up an electrified run with his most clearheaded and honest material yet. ~ Fred Thomas
・構成数 | 1

・合計収録時間 | 00:59:47


Logic 「No Pressure」 CDのレビュー



