Wolf Alice

Wolf Alice 「Blue Weekend [CD]」 CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2021年06月18日 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Virgin Music Label & Artist Services / SKU:5060257962150 / 規格品番:5796215

前作『Visions Of A Life』がマーキュリー賞に輝き、今やUKロック界を背負う若手の代表格となったウルフ・アリス、約4年ぶりとなる3rdアルバム完成!マーカス・ドラヴスをプロデューサーに迎えた強力作!!

『Visions Of A Life』ツアーを終え、イギリス南西部にあるサマセットのAirbnbに籠って書き下ろしたデモ音源を元に、ヴォーカリストのエリー・ロウゼルが描くストーリーがコアとなり、バンドが新しく獲得した大胆さと繊細さが同居する作品!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2021/04/30)
Wolf Alices immensely successful second album, Visions of a Life, suggested they could go in any number of directions, but the one they chose for Blue Weekend is big with a capital B. On the bands third album, they play to the back of the arenas and stadiums these songs were designed to be performed in. Wolf Alice announce their ambitions -- and their ability to deliver on them -- with the vast two-part song The Beach, which opens the set by swelling to ever-greater peaks and closes it on a sweetly philosophical note. In between, Blue Weekend demonstrates just how much the groups power and control have grown in the four years since Visions of a Life. The extra time they spent polishing the album in the studio with producer Markus Dravs during the COVID-19 lockdown was well spent: though songs like the luxurious Los Angeles homage Delicious Things reach a massive scope quickly, Ellie Rowsell always maintains a connection with her audience as she and the band zoom in and out from intimacy to majesty with cinematic skill. Even as they take their dream pop to epic new heights on the hauntingly seductive Lipstick on the Glass, theyre still capable of capturing tiny nuances on songs such as Feeling Myself, where Rowsells introspection also reflects the voyeuristic nature of witnessing someone elses self-expression. Even more so than on their previous albums, Wolf Alice stretch themselves emotionally as well as musically, particularly on How Can I Make It OK?, a striking power ballad equally indebted to Cocteau Twins and Olivia Newton-John that surges forward on a huge riff as Rowsell sings to live in fear isnt to live at all. Though Blue Weekend is dominated by slower songs, its outbursts are just as vital. Smiles collage of funk, industrial, pop, and acoustic elements is muscular and vulnerable at the same time, with Rowsell snarling I aint ashamed of the fact that Im sensitive, then declaring If you dont like me/Well, that isnt f*cking relevant soon after. The bands famed stylistic shifts feel more natural than ever, whether theyre rocking out or harking back to their folky roots on Safe from Heartbreak (If You Never Fall in Love) and No Hard Feelings, a song about acceptance that skips away from heartache with deceptive ease. Songs like these ensure Blue Weekend never feels overwrought despite its ambition and lengthy creative process -- instead, its the kind of big, unabashedly emotional album that people make memories to, and some of Wolf Alices most confident and fully realized music. ~ Heather Phares
・構成数 | 1

・合計収録時間 | 00:40:04


Wolf Alice 「Blue Weekend [CD]」 CDのレビュー




