King Krule

King Krule 「You Heat Me Up You Cool Me Down」 CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2021年12月10日 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:XL Recordings / SKU:191404118221 / 規格品番:XL1182CD


UKインディーのカリスマ、キング・クルールがパンデミックのために中断を余儀なくされた幻のツアーを収めた最新ライヴ・アルバム『You Heat Me Up, You Cool Me Down』をリリース!!
世界がロックダウンに入るわずか数週間前に、高い評価を獲得しているサード・オリジナル・アルバム『Man Alive!』を提げて敢行されていたヨーロッパ・ツアーからパリとアムステルダム公演のベスト・テイクを17曲収録。
最新作からの楽曲はもちろん、ファンに人気の高い「Easy, Easy」や「Baby Blue」、「Out Getting Ribs」といった初期の名曲、セカンド・アルバムからは「The Ooz」、「Slush Puppy」、「Half Man Half Shark」が披露されるなど全ディスコグラフィを網羅しており、ライヴでさらにその本領を発揮するアーティストの魅力が詰まったファン必携のコレクターズ・アイテム!!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2021/09/02)
King Krules You Heat Me Up You Cool Me Down is their second live album to be released within three years -- but frontman, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist Archy Marshall didnt plan it that way. King Krule were just kicking off a world tour to support the stellar Man Alive! when the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. Theyd managed to get in just three shows -- two in Paris, one in Amsterdam -- before canceling the tour. The best music from these concerts was compiled for this document. The tunes are drawn from King Krules somewhat small catalog -- a healthy portion from Man Alive! and The Ooz, with a few faves from 6 Feet Beneath the Moon. Frontman and songwriter Archy Marshall seemingly agrees with Bob Dylans aesthetic when it comes to performing his own catalog: He rearranges songs constantly to keep them fresh. Opener "Out Getting Ribs" (from Marshalls related Zoo Kid project) registers as a laconic, emotionally intense ballad with droning saxophones, slowly plucked guitars, and kick drums, while Marshall allows his lyrics to emerge slowly before the track explodes in conclusion. "The Ooz" commences as a soul ballad, but turns on its distorted bassline into something abstract, improvisational, and nearly dangerous. "Stoned Again" lurches forward with fuzzed-out guitars and loopy synth, with hovering deep saxophone and a kinetic drum kit marking a slow, shuffling processional. Marshall urgently pushes out the words with a punk swagger as the tune gathers force and becomes a gnarly garage rocker. The knotty, razor-wire Anglo-soul in "Rock Bottom" delivers skittering dynamics and fist-pumping grooves to reveal the twin influences of Paul Weller and Curtis Mayfield simultaneously. Marshall introduces "Comet Face" by intoning "I dont have too much to say," before careening across garage jazz and post-punk, complete with an unhinged sax solo that recalls Ted Miltons Blurt. "Baby Blue" is as tender as it is desperate. Marshalls words emerge hesitantly at first, almost mumbled as he sets out his sad truth: "My sandpaper sigh engraves a line/Into the rust of your tongue/Girl I couldve been someone, to you/Would have painted the skies blue...." Problem is, she has no idea hes alive. A gritty, double-tracked tenor saxophone rebukes him and takes over after the bridge. Closer "Easy Easy" is an observation of working-class life as the protagonist struggles to accept the day-to-day grind without losing his mind. The crowd participation is full and enthusiastic, transforming the tune into a Cockney workers anthem. Guitars blast across the refrain as the drums double-time Marshall, who is at his honest, sometimes menacing, off-key best. While King Krule fans will readily consider You Heat Me Up You Cool Me Down essential listening, there is a serious argument to be made for this as a fine introduction to the uninitiated. ~ Thom Jurek
・構成数 | 1


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