
Odesza 「The Last Goodbye<数量限定盤>」 CD

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2022年07月22日 / ジャンル:SOUL/CLUB/RAP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Foreign Family Collective/Ninja Tune / SKU:5054429155822 / 規格品番:ZENCD280X

Following the phenomenal successes of 2014s In Return and 2017s A Moment Apart, which both topped Billboards Top Dance/Electronic Albums and remained on the chart for several years, electronic duo ODESZA tried something different and teamed up with Golden Features for a tech-house project called BRONSON. Darker and more stripped-down than the widescreen glitch-pop ODESZA are typically known for, the collaboration seemed to reignite the duos passion for dance music. The Last Goodbye, the fourth ODESZA full-length, isnt quite as club-focused as the BRONSON album, but the danceable tracks seem bigger and more anthemic (and not always as pop) than on the pairs past albums. This is particularly evident on tracks like "Love Letter," a long-gestating collaboration with the Knocks, and the title cut, built around a mournful, wailing sample of soul icon Bettye LaVette, from her 1965 song "Let Me Down Easy." Both are high-tech, festival-ready house tracks that build from the drama of their respective samples without getting too overblown. "Wide Awake" has the duos familiar combination of yearning verses (by Charlie Houston) and manipulated vocal refrains, but with more of a progressive house influence. Elsewhere, Julianna Barwick opens the set with a meditative monologue, flowing into her own heavenly singing accompanied by rising synth arpeggios and strings. "Behind the Sun" skillfully incorporates samples of Iranian vocalist Simin Ghanem into a downtempo beat that soon develops into an epic march fit for the lead-up to a battle scene in a movie, with snare drums and horns conjuring images of swordplay. ODESZA generally put at least one surefire radio bop on their albums, and "Forgive Me" (with Izzy Bizu) would sound perfect coming on right after a Lizzo single during the morning drive. "North Garden" has an Avalanches-meets-Beach Boys vibe, and sounds closer to the duos chillwave-adjacent early style. "Equal," on the other hand, has a galloping, heart-racing beat and trancey synths pushing Lapsleys striking "I just want our love to be equal" hook forward. The hard, skipping beat and fractured vocals of "I Cant Sleep" seem a little like a more ODESZA-ized version of something that mightve turned up on the BRONSON album. Finally, Olafur Arnalds provides plaintive, Jason Molina-esque vocals while a prog-house beat develops and strings similar to those on the first track swell up, providing a full-circle moment when it all concludes with the sound of childrens voices, like the album began. It would be difficult for ODESZA to replicate the impact of the still-incredible In Return, but The Last Goodbye is a definite improvement over A Moment Apart, which felt a bit too overcooked in retrospect. Here, they get the balance right, refining their sound without rehashing it, and trying new ideas without sacrificing their own character. ~ Paul Simpson

アメリカ・ワシントンの大学で出会い一緒に音楽制作を始めたというハリソン・ミルズとクレイトン・ナイトによるプロダクション・ユニット、オデッザ。これまでにグラミー賞にノミネートされ、日本のフジロックや2ndヘッドライナーに大抜擢されたコーチェラで見せた壮大なライヴ・パフォーマンスで人気を博し、48億回を超えるストリーミング再生を記録、世界中で大ブレイクを果たした彼らが、5年ぶりとなる最新作『The Last Goodbye』をリリース。
シンフォニックで広大、そして感情を揺さぶるオデッザの最新作『The Last Goodbye』は、デュオにとってこれまでで最も野心的なアルバムとなった。ノスタルジックでありながらも、新鮮に鳴り響くこのアルバムは、つながりと追憶をテーマとした壮大な音楽体験をリスナーにもたらす。
ゲストにはザ・ノックス(The Knocks)、 ベティ・ラヴェット(Bettye LaVette)、 マロ(MARO)、 ラプスリー(Lapsley)、 オーラヴル・アルナルズ(Olafur Arnalds)、 ジュリアナ・バーウィック(Julianna Barwick), イジー・ビズ(Izzy Bizu) 、チャーリー・ヒューストン(Charlie Houston)といった豪華な面々が名を連ねている。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/03/24)
・構成数 | 1

・合計収録時間 | 00:50:30


Odesza 「The Last Goodbye<数量限定盤>」 CDのレビュー



