Alva Noto
Alva Noto 「Utp_」 LP
円 (税込)
- 出荷目安:
- 当日-翌日出荷
たまるdポイント(通常) 61

- 商品情報
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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社
発売日:2022年10月04日 / ジャンル:JAZZ / フォーマット:LP / 構成数:2 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Noton / SKU:5057805569374 / 規格品番:N0542 |
Commissioned by the city of Mannheim (Germany) for its 400th anniversary, UTP was co-composed by Carsten Nicolai (aka Alva Noto) and Ryuichi Sakamoto. The work, whose title is deducted from the word "utopia," is scored for electronics, piano, and chamber ensemble, the latter being Ensemble Modern. It consists in extremely slow-paced tableaux of stretched out octaves and skeletal motives, a Butoh-like performance. The piece is solemn and entrancing, like Morton Feldman's music -- more elegant, perhaps. It marks a new step in the evolution of Nicolai and Sakamoto's music, together and apart, as neither of them had yet concocted something this sparse, this naked. Their previous collaborations could have been filed under "ambient music," but UTP belongs in the contemporary classical bin. This is a CD+DVD set. The CD includes a concert stereo version of the 75-minute work. The DVD has the same performance in 5.1 surround sound, shot with a single camera embracing the whole stage -- you won't see much of the musicians (then again, the stage is dark and not much is happening), but you get a great look at the big (really big!) screen in the back, where minimalistic yet beautiful "interference patterns"-like video art unfolds throughout the performance, minutely choreographed to the music. The DVD also includes a 40-minute "making of" that adds close-up shots of the musicians, an interview with the video artists, and an inside look at the dealings between composers and performers. ~ Francois Couture |
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2009年リリース、V.I.R.U.S.シリーズの第3弾がリプレス! ドイツ・マンハイム市制400周年記念のために委嘱され、マンハイム国立劇場で室内楽団ENSEMBLE MODERNとの共演コンサートの初演を記録した1枚。電子音、ピアノ、室内楽器を前衛的に捉えた静的アンサンブル。 |
発売・販売元 提供資料(2022/08/29) |
・構成数 | 2 |