Jayda G

Jayda G 「Guy<数量限定盤/Recycle Eco Colored Vinyl>」 LP

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2024年02月20日 / ジャンル:SOUL/CLUB/RAP / フォーマット:LP / 構成数:1 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Ninja Tune / SKU:5054429170047 / 規格品番:ZEN287


テイラー・スウィフトやデュア・リパのリミックスを手がけ、グラストンベリーやコーチェラなど世界中のフェスへの出演を果たし、ここ日本では2019年にRAINBOW DISCO CLUBにも出演するなど、国内外で注目を集める彼女が最新アルバム『Guy』を〈Ninja Tune〉よりリリース!
これまでの作品以上にヴォーカルに焦点を当てており、彼女のハウス、ディスコ、R&B、ソウルのルーツを活かしながらも、ポップなソング・ライティング感覚を発揮した全13曲を収録。また彼女の亡き父、ウィリアム・リチャード・ガイのアーカイヴ録音も随所に散りばめられており父の言葉とJayda Gの深くパーソナルな歌詞の組み合わせによって、亡き父の人生が描かれている。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/03/01)
Jayda Gs second album is built around a series of interview clips her sister recorded with their father, William Richard Guy, shortly before his passing, when Jayda was ten years old. The albums songs are directly based on stories from the interviews and Guys journals, as well as Jaydas thoughts and emotions while she was going through all of the archival material and researching her fathers life. Musically, this is the most straightforward, hook-heavy dance-pop Jayda has made, sounding much more fit for the radio than her previous club-friendly releases -- not an unexpected direction from an artist who remixed Dua Lipa and Taylor Swift after her debut album appeared in 2019. While the songs often have cheerful and empowering choruses, the lyrics dig deeper into Jaydas fathers stories and her reactions to them. "Blue Lights" is an escapist dance track thats actually about Guys experience getting caught up in the riots in Washington, D.C. following Martin Luther King, Jr.s assassination. The chorus of "Heads or Tails" (beginning with the line "Hold it, toke it, pass it around") suggests a sort of care-free stoner anthem, but it refers to the night Guy arrived in Thailand, where he was sent while stationed in the Army during the Vietnam War and went adventuring with a new friend. One of the albums catchiest songs, "Scars," is about how Guy learned to fight bullies in high school and how the lessons he learned helped him grow. Another highlight, "Circle Back Around," relates to a story about avoiding cops when he was part of a group of mischievous kids. The songs title also refers to Jayda revisiting the documents of her fathers past and considering how the circumstances people are born into affect their lives. The midtempo "Your Thoughts" continues this sort of introspection, with Jayda reflecting on the similarities between her fathers life and her own. "When She Dance" is an exuberant tribute to Jaydas grandmother, who worked hard to raise her son, but who partied hard as a necessary form of release -- clearly something relevant to Jaydas lifestyle. While the album is heavy on celebratory moments, particularly the piano rave tune "Sapphires of Gold," it ends on a heartbreaking note with "15 Foot," a reference to the waves of grief Jaydas mother felt when Guy died. Jaydas first full-length, Significant Changes, tied into her environmental toxicology studies, specifically related to the destruction of whales ecosystems. Guy (the album) is even more thematically bound, and its structure of pop songs threaded together with interview clips makes it feel a bit more essay-ish than the debut, which was named after a phrase Jayda often used in her final thesis. That said, Jayda does a magnificent job connecting deeply personal stories with accessible music. ~ Paul Simpson
・構成数 | 1


Jayda G 「Guy<数量限定盤/Recycle Eco Colored Vinyl>」 LPのレビュー




