
Paramore 「Paramore<Tangerine Vinyl>」 LP

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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2024年01月12日 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:LP / 構成数:2 / 製造国:ヨーロッパ盤 / レーベル:Atlantic / SKU:075678612251 / 規格品番:7567861225


2004年にナッシュヴィルで結成、2005年のデビュー以降、アルバムを発売するごとにその人気と実力を上昇させ、名実ともにNo. 1の立ち位置を築き上げてきた、世界一クールでエモい女性、ヘイリー・ウィリアムス率いる世界的ロック・アクト、パラモア。デビューから幾度となくメンバー・チェンジを経験しながらも、2000年代以降の音楽シーンに登場した女性フロント・パーソンを要するバンドの中でも確固たる人気を誇るバンドだ。

デビュー・アルバム『ALL WE KNOW IS FALLING』はアメリカでゴールド・ディスクに認定され、「Pressure」などのヒット・シングルもあり一躍シーンの注目を集め、2007年のダブル・プラチナ・アルバム『RIOT』で世界的な第ブレイクを果たし、2009年の『BRAND NEW EYES』ではグラミー賞にもノミネート。さらに2013年のセルフ・タイトル・アルバム『PARAMORE』で米ビルボード・アルバム・チャートで初登場1位を達成し、世界的大人気バンドへと成長。2017年の『AFTER LAUGHTER』を、そして今年2月には最新作『THIS IS WHY』を発表したばかりだ。

彼女たちが2013年に発表した、「Still Into You」や「Ain't It Fun」といった大ヒット曲を収録し、全米、全英をはじめ世界各国でNo. 1を獲得する大ヒット・アルバム『PARAMORE』が、今回新装アートワークを採用した2枚組タンジェリン・カラー・アナログ盤となって登場することとなった。

もともとはバンド写真をジャケット・アートワークに使用していたのだが、2022年、彼女たちはデジタル配信作品のジャケットを、オリジナルのものから、背中に"GROW UP"の文字が書かれたデニム・ジャケットを来たヘイリーの姿を写したジャケットへと変更した。その新ジャケット写真にファンは非常に大きな反応を見せ、このジャケットでのフィジカル作品のリリースを望む声が上がっていたのだが、今回遂にこの新ジャケットでのアナログ盤がファンのもとに届けられることとなるのだ。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/11/10)
Easily the band's most adventurous, experimental, and accomplished release to date, Paramore's fourth studio album, 2013's eponymously titled Paramore, is a landmark, a genre-breaking masterwork that, like Madonna's Like a Prayer or U2's Achtung Baby, finds Paramore crystallized into the seminal, cogent rock band we always knew they'd grow up to be. For this release, Paramore worked with producer Justin Meldal-Johnsen, whose previous production credits include artists like Neon Trees and M83. Perhaps not the most obvious choice for a band that developed alongside labelmates like Fall Out Boy, but the first-time pairing explodes with chemistry, coalescing the group's grand emotionality and ridiculously tight hooks with ever new and genius musical avenues, like electronica and even orchestral flourishes. The idea that your songs should only include instrumentation that you can pack into your tour van is a practical limitation that for plenty of bands, especially those of the punk ethos, can become a downright philosophical limitation. But when original guitarist and drummer Zac and Josh Farro left the band in 2010, Paramore were forced to allow vital roles in their sound to be filled with hired professionals rather than actual bandmembers -- after all, they needed somebody to play drums. This clearly opened the band up to exploring all other manner of possibilities in the studio that they could not reasonably fit into a van or reproduce in a garage, like a board full of subtly perfect synth intonations or, in the case of one song (the immediate classic "Ain't It Fun"), a gospel choir. The change represents more than just growth; it's transcendence. Paramore have made the album of their career. The record's collaborative foundation crackles on every track, but Hayley Williams, a ballsy, extroverted frontwoman with a voice big enough to stop time, proves unequivocally to be the cunning talent of the band, no matter how vital York and Davis may be. Whether she is belting out a do-or-die alt-rock anthem like "Now" or cooing coyly on three ukulele-backed "Interludes," Williams imbues each song with a robust charisma and relentlessly positive attitude. While longtime Paramore fans will recognize the driving, no-holds-barred attack of cuts like "Daydreaming," "Anklebiters," and "Part II," the album also soars on the band's newfound use of keyboards, programming, and York's often thickly layered, heavily effected guitar. Without a doubt, even a newcomer to Paramore's music is in rapturous danger of being up all night after listening to this disc, possessed by each track's driving, perfect hook. But knowing about the drama that precipitated the album only adds further dimension, not to mention a sense of vicarious satisfaction for Paramore's glorious triumph over inter-band adversity. After all, the Farros didn't just leave, they also caused a big stink the day after announcing their departure, posting a mean-spirited diatribe about their former bandmates on the Internet. The fact that Paramore went on to not just put themselves back together, but create the best work of their entire musical tenure -- a work lyrically inspired by the Farros leaving, and unimaginable as having been stylistically possible with them still in the band -- is a revenge fantasy that would seem too sweet to be true if it weren't laid out for us all to hear. Paramore is a veritable pop opera about a band reborn, phoenix-like from the ashes of a broken lineup, better and stronger than any previous incarnation. ~ Matt Collar
・構成数 | 2





Paramore 「Paramore<Tangerine Vinyl>」 LPのレビュー



