Tiga 「L’Ecstasy」 LP
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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社
発売日:2024年03月28日 / ジャンル:SOUL/CLUB/RAP / フォーマット:LP / 構成数:2 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Turbo Recordings / SKU:4062548072655 / 規格品番:TURBO229 |
TigaとHudson Mohawkeの究極タッグのデビューアルバム『L' ECSTASY』遂にリリース!ABRA, CHANNEL TRES,JESSE BOYKINS III豪華ゲスト勢揃い! カナダのプロデューサーでエレクトロハウス・シーンを牽引してきたTigaとグラスゴー出身の先進的プロデューサー Hudson Mohawkeの究極コラボによるデビューアルバム『L'ECSTACY』がTIGA 主宰TURBOよりリリース!2019年から2023年にかけてロサンゼルスで録音され様々なレコーディング・セッションを経て制作したハードコア・レイヴ・プロジェクトとして構想されたという二人のコラボレーション作品!2020年に先行リリースした04."VSOD (Velvet Sky Of Dreams)のヴォーカル ABRA、MOODYMANNやDISCLOSURE、SG LEWISともコラボするCHANNEL TRES、マイアミのネオソウル・シンガーソングライター Jesse Boykins IIIらを客演に招き、捨て曲一切なしの全16曲収録!アートワークはターナー賞を受賞した写真家ヴォルフガング・ティルマンスが担当。 |
発売・販売元 提供資料(2023/12/12) |
A collaboration between Tiga and Hudson Mohawke could seemingly go any number of ways. On one hand, it could end end up being an exercise in irony-loaded postmodernism -- two of Tigas earliest club hits were electro covers of "Sunglasses at Night" and "Hot in Herre," while HudMos earlier 2023 release was Set the Roof, a collaboration with Nikki Nair featuring cover art derived from Chipmunk Punk. On the contrary, LEcstasy sounds like the work of two friends bonding over everything that made them fall in love with club culture in the first place, and making music that celebrates dancing, nightlife, and all of the associated feelings. It sounds far more like Tiga than HudMo on the surface -- the tracks are sleek and straightforward rather than bombastic, cartoonish, or wonky. "Exit Warehouse at Dawn" sounds like a second wave Detroit techno deep cut, with gliding synths and intricate rhythmic programming, while "TR Smooth" takes it back to early Chicago house with a whistling synth lead bringing to mind Frankie Knuckles. The two songs featuring Tigas own vocals, the Italo-ish "Night Is Not" and the more Felix da Housecat-like "IN ORDER 2," express the burning anxiety that wont disappear no matter how hard one is raving. An uncredited Abra helps paint a vivid picture of nighttime desire on the wonderful "VSOD (Velvet Sky of Dreams)," while Channel Tres advocates self-love on the breezy "Feel the Rush." Jesse Boykins III sings of a perfect moment of dancefloor ecstasy on the soulful acid house cut "Silence of Love," and British diva Elisabeth Troy accelerates the mood during the turbo-powered "Ascending into the Clouds." The trancey, breakbeat-driven "Polyvoxx" is another standout, but more stripped-down house tracks like "Duro" and "BUYBUYSELL" are no slouches, either. Slower experiments like the glitchy "Natural Spirit" and more industrial "LMZNIN" are closer to what one might expect if the duo recorded an album for Mute. LEcstasy ends up being a highly successful collaboration that exceeds all expectations. ~ Paul Simpson |
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・構成数 | 21.LP