I. Jordan

I. Jordan 「I Am Jordan」 CD

たまるdポイント(通常) 22



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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2024年05月10日 / ジャンル:SOUL/CLUB/RAP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:1 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Ninja Tune / SKU:5054429190946 / 規格品番:ZENCD304

I. Jordans first full-length was recorded after the genderqueer DJ/producer had stopped using their original name and started taking testosterone. The album is a vibrant expression of trans joy, as well as a document of the artists personal journey and self-discovery. Musically, it calls back to their Northern English upbringing, far from the trendsetting club scene of London, where they relocated following university. While their previous EPs embraced glittery French house and booming breakbeat hardcore, I Am Jordan is a love letter to less fashionable dance styles that have always flourished up North, particularly donk, euphoric trance, hardstyle, and bassline. (The album doesnt quite tap into the cartoonish lunacy of happy hardcore, however.) After an opening track mainly consisting of big synth sweeps that slowly build and gain a ticking beat, "Casino High" is filled with skipping garage beats, flickering filtered loops, and fluttering vocal sighs. The record starts to let loose with "Real Hot n Naughty," a carefree anthem featuring a cheeky Scouse rap by Felix Mufti. "The Countdown" (featuring Taahliah) puts a banging donk on it and rockets to warp speed, elevated by sirens and gleeful rave melodies. The hazy downtempo reflection "Reification and Pathetic Fallacy" is a bit of a comedown, and "People Want Nice Things" similarly seems to stop and look around instead of push forward. "Round n Round" kicks the tempo back up, setting more sirens and rapid vocal samples to a massive speed garage bassline. "The Woodpecker" is shameless whimsy, preceding a comically overdriven whomp of a kick drum with an exuberant "yeehoo!" The remaining few tracks are shimmering and trancey, with "Close to You" being the biggest standout, due to its passionate vocal sample. Something about I Am Jordan feels a bit moderated, because even though its a fun, celebratory record, it doesnt always hit the ecstatic highs that its shooting for. Still, even if it isnt chock-full of wall-to-wall bangers, its certainly an inspired effort that charts Jordans growth as an artist and as a person. ~ Paul Simpson
フレッド・アゲインとのコラボもする2024年最も期待を集めるプロデューサー アイ・ジョーダンがデビュー・アルバムをリリース!!

フレッド・アゲイン、プランニングトゥーロック、シェレルとのコラボレーションや、フィーヴァー・レイやロミー、エリザ・ローズといったトップアーティストのリミックス、自身の楽曲もResident Advisorの年間ベストトラックで1位、Crack Magazineで2位、PitchforkでもTop25にランクインするなど、高揚感と恍惚感が同居する攻めの効いたトラックで今最も期待を集めるプロデューサー、アイ・ジョーダンが〈Ninja Tune〉より待望のデビュー・アルバム『I AM JORDAN』をリリース。
DJ Magazine【Best of British Awards 2023】では最優秀DJ賞にノミネートされ、AIMアワードでは【Breakthrough Artist 2023】にノミネート、Mixmagの年間ベストDJでトップ10入りを果たすなど、DJとしても高く評価を集めるアイ・ジョーダン。
アルバム発表に合わせて解禁されたクィア・ダンス・トラック「Real Hot n Naughty」には、Netflixの人気ドラマ『セックス・エデュケーション』にも出演する俳優、フェリックス・マフティがフィーチャーされている。アイ・ジョーダンとフェリックス・マフティは、トランス系アーティストを中心に開催されたイベント『I. JORDAN & Friends』で知り合ったという。
『I AM JORDAN』というタイトルではあるが、今作はアイ・ジョーダンのソロ・アルバムというよりは、コミュニティから生まれた革命的作品だという方が正しいだろう。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/02/09)
I. Jordans first full-length was recorded after the genderqueer DJ/producer had stopped using their original name and started taking testosterone. The album is a vibrant expression of trans joy, as well as a document of the artists personal journey and self-discovery. Musically, it calls back to their Northern English upbringing, far from the trendsetting club scene of London, where they relocated following university. While their previous EPs embraced glittery French house and booming breakbeat hardcore, I Am Jordan is a love letter to less fashionable dance styles that have always flourished up North, particularly donk, euphoric trance, hardstyle, and bassline. (The album doesnt quite tap into the cartoonish lunacy of happy hardcore, however.) After an opening track mainly consisting of big synth sweeps that slowly build and gain a ticking beat, "Casino High" is filled with skipping garage beats, flickering filtered loops, and fluttering vocal sighs. The record starts to let loose with "Real Hot n Naughty," a carefree anthem featuring a cheeky Scouse rap by Felix Mufti. "The Countdown" (featuring Taahliah) puts a banging donk on it and rockets to warp speed, elevated by sirens and gleeful rave melodies. The hazy downtempo reflection "Reification and Pathetic Fallacy" is a bit of a comedown, and "People Want Nice Things" similarly seems to stop and look around instead of push forward. "Round n Round" kicks the tempo back up, setting more sirens and rapid vocal samples to a massive speed garage bassline. "The Woodpecker" is shameless whimsy, preceding a comically overdriven whomp of a kick drum with an exuberant "yeehoo!" The remaining few tracks are shimmering and trancey, with "Close to You" being the biggest standout, due to its passionate vocal sample. A fun, celebratory record, I Am Jordan is an inspired effort that charts Jordans growth as an artist and as a person. ~ Paul Simpson
・構成数 | 1

・合計収録時間 | 00:56:45


I. Jordan 「I Am Jordan」 CDのレビュー




