Machinedrum 「3FOR82」 LP
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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社
発売日:2024年06月07日 / ジャンル:SOUL/CLUB/RAP / フォーマット:LP / 構成数:1 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Ninja Tune / SKU:5054429178210 / 規格品番:ZEN299 |
エレクトロニック・ミュージックの輝かしいスター Machinedrumが2024年最新アルバムをリリース!! 米・ノースカロライナ州生まれの電子音楽家、Travis Stewartのソロ・プロジェクトであるMachinedrum。〈Ninja Tune〉からリリースされる最新作『3FOR82』において、Travisは、テンポとスタイルを自在に操り、ドラムンベース、ヒップホップ、ジャズ、R&Bの狭間でビートスイッチを繰り広げ、革新的な12曲を披露している。さらに、Tinashe、Mick Jenkins、Duckwrth、KUCKA、Jesse Boykins III, Tanerelle, AKTHESAVIOR, deem spencer, aja monet, Deniro Farrar, Topaz, Jones, Ezri, ROZETといった豪華コラボレーター陣を起用し、ヴォーカルを中心とした、ジャンルレスな作品に仕上げている。昨年41歳の誕生日から制作が始まった『3FOR82』だが、作品のベースとなったのは、彼が90年代後半にImpulse Trackerという無料ソフトウェアで作成した数々の音源で、25年間も手付かずのままになっていたものだった。このデータを復元し、独自のサウンドバンクを構築することにより、『3FOR82』には90年代特有の荒削りなトーンが与えられている。Travisの過去、現在、未来の間をエフォートレスに縫うハイテンションで思索めいたクラブバンガー集が完成! |
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/04/16) |
Machinedrums album 3FOR82 was created after Travis Stewart found a DOS emulator and accessed old hard drives full of beats he made in Impulse Tracker during the late 90s. He built up sound banks inspired by these beats, then experimented and came up with dozens of ideas, ultimately choosing the best ones to develop into full songs. When he invited vocalists to his studio to collaborate, he challenged them to converse with their teenage selves, just as he had delved into his own formative years as a musician for the albums creation. With all that in mind, 3FOR82 sounds nothing like the glitch-hop and IDM Stewart released on Merck during the 2000s. Its much more in line with his club-friendly later work, refracting hip-hop, drumnbass, and juke through a futuristic pop prism. "WEARY" is one of the more nostalgic-sounding selections here, with a hazy beat flowing underneath Mick Jenkins hard, conscious rhymes and Jesse Boykins IIIs smooth chorus. AKTHESAVIOR and Deniro Farrar both address their younger selves during "HEAL," and on the glimmering drumnbass tune "U_WANT," KU?KA similarly replays all of her mistakes in her head, assuring herself that better days will come. The dnb cuts generally end up being the albums highlights. "HON3Y" is a gorgeous, atmospheric jungle track with gentle guitars and bittersweet vocal fragments. "RISE" (featuring ROZET) is a much more party-ready celebration of friendship with well-timed bursts of heavy bass, and Tinashe is as effortlessly sensual as always during the ecstatic "ZOOM." The album ends with two downtempo R&B reflections. Tanerelle assures that youll get through hard times on "KILL_U," and Boykins is "profound when youre around" during the apologetic "GODOWN." While 3FOR82 is less experimental than the previous Machinedrum album, A View of U, its more focused on personal lyrics and experiences, and its one of Stewarts most refined efforts. ~ Paul Simpson |
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・構成数 | 11.LP