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Gastr Del Sol

Gastr Del Sol 「We Have Dozens Of Titles」 CD


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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社

発売日:2024年05月下旬 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:2 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:Drag City / SKU:781484083627 / 規格品番:DC836CD

Throughout the 90s, Chicago duo Gastr del Sol made some of the most innovative music to be lumped in with the post rock scene they grew alongside of. Between 1993 and 1998, David Grubbs and Jim ORourke changed lanes on every Gastr del Sol release they created, going from avant garde compositions made with acoustic instruments to Fahey-informed fingerstyle guitar instrumentals, to chamber pop with glitchy electronic elements on 1998s Camoufleur, their final studio album. We Have Dozens of Titles combs the vaults for rare entries in Gastr del Sols catalog, as well as previously unreleased recordings from their hot streak of activity and growth in the 90s. Its somewhere between a rarities collection and an album statement of its own, flowing gracefully between songs released on compilations and unheard ephemeral recordings. "20 Songs Less" from a 1994 Teenbeat 7" of the same name emphasizes just how much the group was influenced by musique-concrete and tape music, splicing choppily between blasts of acoustic guitar and roomy drum kits and muddy, garbled tape loops and treatments. "The Bells of St. Marys" comes from a 1996 Christmas album (released by Sony and shockingly also including contributions from Merzbow, Melt-Banana, God is My Co-Pilot, and other noise makers not usually affiliated with major labels) is a collection of pulsations, drones, and Grubbs softly-played acoustic piano, creating a wintery beauty in its stoic lushness. Some of the most interesting tracks on We Have Dozens of Titles are live recordings from the bands final show in 1997. On these recordings, songs from Camoufleur show up in early, mid-workshop forms. The bubbly "The Seasons Reverse" is similar to the arrangement that made it onto the album (down to the field recording at the end of the song of kids setting off fireworks), but there are no vocals, leaving the focus that would have been placed on the singing open to tune into ORourkes dissonant organ notes or the burbling electronic rush that serves as a timekeeper for the song. "Blues Subtitled No Sense of Wonder" is also presented here as an instrumental, but its softly oscillating rush of long tones, gentle piano, and occasional blurts of found sound render the song almost unrecognizable from its studio version. Gastr del Sol took on new shapes multiple times in the few short years they were active, and We Have Dozens of Titles offers a sense that their state of perpetual metamorphosis actually went even deeper than what was shown on their widely-adored studio records. ~ Fred Thomas
ジム・オルーク最初の到達点! ポスト・ロック象徴の伝説ユニット、未発表曲&ライブ音源を集めた特大編集盤がDRAG CITYより!

ポスト・ロックから即興音楽まで飲み込むアプローチの幅広さ、ソニック・ユース、ウィルコとレジェンド・バンドに加入しインディ / オルタナティヴ・ロックを支える周囲の度肝を抜く動き.....八面六臂な活躍で我々を魅了する鬼才ジム・オルークが1990年代に、こちらも鬼才デイヴィッド・グラブスと組んでいたユニット ガスター・デル・ソル。この名義で26年振りとなる新アイテム『WE HAVE DOZENS OF TITLES』が登場!レーベルはDRAG CITYより!


公開された"THE SEASONS REVERSE (LIVE)"は聴きましたか....?聴いた事ない、だけど心に焼き付きまくる音がありますよ!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/04/05)
・構成数 | 2

・合計収録時間 | 01:43:33



Gastr Del Sol 「We Have Dozens Of Titles」 CDのレビュー



