David Bowie
David Bowie 「The Best of Bowie」 CD
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【販売店・発送】 タワーレコード株式会社
発売日:2002年11月04日 / ジャンル:ROCK/POP / フォーマット:CD / 構成数:2 / 製造国:輸入 / レーベル:EMI / SKU:724353982126 / 規格品番:5398212 |
2002年に発売されたベスト・アルバムに貴重なシングル・ヴァージョンをたっぷり収録した2枚組限定盤(こちらはUK盤)。全曲に再度の24bitデジタル・リマスタリングを施した最高の音質で、魅惑のボウイ・ワールドが楽しめる。 EMI |
発売・販売元 提供資料(2009/04/08) |
David Bowie has switched labels so often his catalog is cluttered with hits compilations, all purporting to be definitive. Since he is one of the few major artists with no compunction about putting all his hits on one disc, they're all excellent, and 2002's Best of Bowie is no exception, no matter which country you live in (brief explanation: sensitive to the needs of fans in different markets, Bowie and EMI/Virgin tailored a different Best of Bowie for every country it was released in -- a collector's and cataloger's nightmare, but the basics apply for each variation). Yeah, there are great songs missing, and it loses a little focus toward the end, but all the big, big hits are here, in great sound and logical sequence. Bowie made more than his share of great albums, but if you just want the highlights, this is as good as Changesbowie in capturing them. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine |
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'Best Of Bowie' is a collection of tracks which chronicle David Bowie's career to date. It comes in twenty three different editions, each one having been compiled to suit that country or region with the tracklisting reflecting that area's favourite Bowie songs.| |
Rovi |
・構成数 | 2 ・合計収録時間 | 02:36:19 1.CD